Triple Extension Movements involve three majors joints: hip, knee, and ankle. These three joints, when moved from the flexed to extended position, create the explosiveness needed to fire off the line of scrimmage.
These movements consist of exercises that apply force with the feet against the ground. Exercises that produce this force are: Cleans (Power & Hang), Snatches (Power & Hang), Clean & Jerk, and Squats. Building up the lower torso is the equivalent to the foundation on a house. All the force, speed and explosiveness required for sport can be attributed to Triple Extension Movements.
Extension movements make up the main factor of explosive strength, which is the greatest amount of force in a specific time frame. This is the most important piece of the puzzle for speed-strength training. Speed-strength training is a combination of maximum speed and maximum strength, when combined produce a tremendous amount of force. This force is what we want on the playing field when our foot hits the ground.