There are two major camps in the web design business when it comes to mockups — one camp designs pixel-perfect comps in Photoshop that are intended to represent the final design as accurately as possible, and the other believes that doing a quick, simple wireframe on paper or in a tool like OmniGraffle and moving straight from there to the text editor is the way to go.
Then there’s a third camp that’s more recent with fewer adherents — using HTML and CSS to wireframe and iterating on that in the browser to create the design.
What’s the best way to go? What are the pros and cons of each method? These are questions that new designers — and even experienced ones considering changing their workflow — want answers for, but most reading represents the viewpoint of a staunch supporter of one method. Today, we look at all three so that you can decide what’s best for you.
Continue reading Creating Concepts: Three Approaches to Web Design Mockups