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Micro-Moments Now: 3 new consumer behaviors playing out in Google search data


By Lisa Gevelber Jul 2017 Mobile, Search, Micro-Moments  

Mobile Search
Mobile Search

People’s search behavior is evolving and their expectations are becoming clear. Google’s VP of Marketing for the Americas Lisa Gevelber gives a glimpse of the consumer taking shape behind the data.

  1. The “well-advised” consumer
  2. The “right here” consumer
  3. The “right now” consumer

Two years ago, Google introduced the concept of micro-moments. We put a name to a behavior that, thanks to mobile, was becoming pervasive. People had started to expect an immediate answer in the moments they wanted to know, go, do, and buy. The concept of micro-moments was perhaps as truthful, observable, and relatable a consumer behavior trend as any marketer could wish for.

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