The laws were formulated between 1609 to 16l9, and are (as usually stated):
<ul> <li> Planets move around the Sun in <strong>ellipses</strong>, with the Sun at one focus </li> <li> The line connecting the Sun to a planet sweeps <strong>equal areas in equal times. </strong></li> <li> The<strong> square</strong> of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the <strong> cube</strong> (3rd power) of the mean distance from the Sun in (or in other words--of the"semi-major axis" of the ellipse, half the sum of smallest and greatest distance from the Sun) </li> </ul> <ol> </ol> <!--more--> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read more . . .</a><br />
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