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Why a former governor thinks 2016 could be a third-party year

June 6, 2016 at 7:45 PM EDT

Why a former governor thinks 2016 could be a third-party year

With the general election likely to feature party nominees of unprecedented unpopularity, third-party contenders such as Libertarian candidate and former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson are looking to reap big gains with a dissatisfied electorate. Johnson joins Judy Woodruff to discuss his platform, how Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump fall short and what he hopes to achieve in the election.

JUDY WOODRUFF: But, first, back to politics.

This year’s presidential election will likely feature, as we just heard, two major-party nominees who currently have some of the highest unfavorability ratings of any such candidates in recent decades.

As a result, some voters may take a look at the nominee chosen last week by the Libertarian Party, the former Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson.

I spoke with him a short time ago.

Governor Gary Johnson, welcome.

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