AIZEN-MYOO: Japanese Buddhist deity of lust suppresion. Will turn your desires towards enlightenment. Looks rather angry, has three eyes and a lion in his hair.
Location : Japan
Gender : Male
Category : Deity
AIZEN-MYOO: Japanese Buddhist deity of lust suppresion. Will turn your desires towards enlightenment. Looks rather angry, has three eyes and a lion in his hair.
Location : Japan
Gender : Male
Category : Deity
Continue reading Miyajima and the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine, Hiroshima
Japan. Kazan Retto, island group, c.11 sq mi (30 sq km), W Pacific. The group consists of three islands, of which Iwo Jima is the most important. The highest peak (3,181 ft/970 m) is on Minami-iwo-jima.