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Hypothesis testing

There are three possible pairs of null and alternative hypotheses

The null hypothesis (denoted $ H_0$) is a statement about the population statistic, such as $ mu$.

The alternate hypothesis (denoted $ H_1$) is a claim to be tested.

There are three ways to set up a the null and alternate hypothesis.


  1. Equal hypothesis verses not equal hypothesis (two-tailed test)
    $ H_0$:$ mu$ = some value
    $ H_1$:$ mu$ ?some value
  2. Equal hypothesis verses less than hypothesis (left-tailed test)
    $ H_0$:$ mu$ = some value
    $ H_1$:$ mu <$ some value
  3. Equal hypothesis verses greater than hypothesis (right-tailed test)
    $ H_0$:$ mu$ = some value
    $ H_1$:$ mu >$ some value