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Nostradamus Prophecies | The Third Antichrist Prophecy


Five centuries ago, Nostradamus wrote of three Antichrists. Two, Napoleon and Hitler, have already bathed the world in blood—but it is the third who will bring the Apocalypse.

Michel de Nostredame by his son Cesar

Michel de Nostredame (depending on the source, 14 or 21 December 1503 – 1 or 2 July 1566), usually Latinised as Nostradamus, was a French astrologer, physician and reputed seer, who is best known for his book Les Prophéties, is a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events. The book was first published in 1555. The rhymed quatrains (4-line poems) are grouped into sets of 100, called Centuries.

Nostradamus enthusiasts have credited him with predicting a copious number of events in world history, including the French Revolution, the atom bomb, the rise of Adolf Hitler and the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Detractors, however, see such predictions as examples of vaticinium ex eventu, retroactive clairvoyance and selective thinking, which find non-existent patterns in ambiguous statements. Because of this, it has been claimed that Nostradamus is

“100% accurate at predicting events after they happen”.


The Third Antichrist movie clip

Nostradamus Prophecies | The Third Antichrist clip
The Third Antichrist | Full movie


The first Antichrist

Napoleon Bonaparte

The First Antichrist of the book of Revelation leads the 7th world empire to oppress God’s people, and will lead an army of “locusts” that will create more destruction, capture more land, and kill more people than any army in history. The First Antichrist will spread the concepts of the liberal “Enlightenment” around the globe, and crown himself emperor of both the religious and secular realm. He’ll be granted power to hold the church and its leaders in captivity for 42 months and he will set ten kings to watch over his seven nation empire.


PAX NEY LORON will be more fire than blood,

   PAX NEY LORON plus feu qu’a sang fera,

   Bathed in praise, a great escape is assured;

   Laude nager, fuir grand au surrez;

   Those worried will refuse him entry,

   Les agasses entree refusera,

   But doubtful that for long they will hold him confined.

Pampon, durance les tiendra enferrez.

The second Antichrist

Adolf Hitler

In Revelation Chapter 13, the Bible tells us that after the First Antichrist is destroyed, their comes a Second Antichrist (Second Beast) who leads the eighth empire attempting to conquer the world. This modern antichrist appears having two horns like a lamb, and therefore presents himself as a modern messiah. He tells his promised people that he will create a perfect human society for them lasting for 1000 years. He will attack and conquer many nations under the sign of the cross (Hellas Cross), and spreads his ideas using a man-made idol (invention) that has the power of speech (radio?).


   The Prime Minister of London (is supported) by America,

   Le chef de Londres par regne l”Americh,

   As the Isles of the Scots will suffer from frost;

   L’isle d’Escosse tempiera par gelee;

   An errant Fuhrer will become such an evil antichrist,

Roy Reb auront un si grand antechrist,

   That he will draw everyone into the conflict.

Que les mettra trestous dans la meslee.

The third Antichrist


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The Number of the Beast of Babylon 666

mark of the beast

The ancients claimed that God works by mathematics. Their religion was a conglomeration of religion, astrology, alchemy, physical and mental science, and mathematics. Ancient astrology divided the starry heavens into 36 constellations. These were represented by different amulets called “Sigilla Solis,” or the sun seal. These amulets were worn by the pagan priests, and they contained all the numbers from 1 to 36. By these figures they claimed to be able to foretell future events. These amulets were usually made of gold, yellow being the sun color. While being carried, these amulets were wrapped in yellow silk, as it was thought that the bearer would thus receive the beneficial powers believed to emanate from the jewel.

These drawings from photographs taken in 1910, show actual amulets then in the Berlin Museum. They reveal the veneration the ancients had for the sun-god. On the front side of No.1 we see the god of the sun standing on the lion. This indicated the sun’s position in the constellation of Leo during the hot days of August. On the back is inscribed “Nachyel,” meaning “intelligence of the sun,” and in 36 squares are arranged the numerals 1 to 36 (see table 1) in such a way that adding the numbers of any column either horizontally or vertically, and also the two diagonals crossing the square, the total is the same- 111. The sum of the six columns, computed either horizontally or vertically, is 6 x 111, or 666.

The solar seal was worn by the pagan occultic priests to honor the Basilisco KING – 666.

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