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Plants in threes



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Results for Common Name = three

150 records returned.

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map, more information, and Web links if available. Synonyms are indented beneath accepted counterparts.

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name


ACDE4 Acalypha deamii (Weath.) H.E. Ahles Deam's threeseed mercury
ACGR2 Acalypha gracilens A. Gray slender threeseed mercury
ACMO4 Acalypha monococca (Engelm. ex A. Gray) Lill. W. Mill. & Gandhi slender threeseed mercury
ACOS Acalypha ostryifolia Riddell pineland threeseed mercury
ACRH Acalypha rhomboidea Raf. common threeseed mercury
ACVI Acalypha virginica L. Virginia threeseed mercury
ALTR2 Allium tribracteatum Torr. threebract onion
ALTR4 Allium triquetrum L. threecorner leek
ARIST Aristida L. threeawn
ARAD Aristida adscensionis L. sixweeks threeawn
ARAR6 Aristida arizonica Vasey Arizona threeawn
ARBA2 Aristida basiramea Engelm. ex Vasey forked threeawn
ARBE7 Aristida beyrichiana Trin. & Rupr. Beyrich threeawn
ARCA9 Aristida californica Thurb. ex S. Watson California threeawn
ARCAC8 Aristida californica Thurb. ex S. Watson var. californica California threeawn
ARCAG Aristida californica Thurb. ex S. Watson var. glabrata Vasey Santa Rita threeawn
ARCH4 Aristida chaseae Hitchc. Chase's threeawn
ARCO10 Aristida cognata Trin. & Rupr. spreading threeawn
ARCO7 Aristida condensata Chapm. piedmont threeawn
ARDE3 Aristida desmantha Trin. & Rupr. curly threeawn
ARDI4 Aristida dichotoma Michx. churchmouse threeawn
ARDIC Aristida dichotoma Michx. var. curtissii A. Gray Curtis' threeawn
ARDID Aristida dichotoma Michx. var. dichotoma churchmouse threeawn
ARDI5 Aristida divaricata Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. poverty threeawn
ARFL Aristida floridana (Chapm.) Vasey Key West threeawn
ARGY4 Aristida gypsophila Beetle gypsum threeawn
ARGY Aristida gyrans Chapm. corkscrew threeawn
ARHA3 Aristida havardii Vasey Havard's threeawn
ARLA6 Aristida lanosa Muhl. ex Elliot woollysheath threeawn
ARLO16 Aristida longespica Poir. slimspike threeawn
ARLOG6 Aristida longespica Poir. var. geniculata (Raf.) Fernald slimspike threeawn
ARLOL3 Aristida longespica Poir. var. longespica slimspike threeawn
ARMO3 Aristida mohrii Nash Mohr's threeawn
AROL Aristida oligantha Michx. prairie threeawn
ARPA26 Aristida palustris (Chapm.) Vasey longleaf threeawn
ARPA9 Aristida pansa Woot. & Standl. Wooton's threeawn
ARPA11 Aristida patula Chapm. ex Nash tall threeawn
ARPU8 Aristida purpurascens Poir. arrowfeather threeawn
ARPUP4 Aristida purpurascens Poir. var. purpurascens arrowfeather threeawn
ARPUT Aristida purpurascens Poir. var. tenuispica (Hitchc.) Allred arrowfeather threeawn
ARPUV Aristida purpurascens Poir. var. virgata (Trin.) Allred arrowfeather threeawn
ARPU9 Aristida purpurea Nutt. purple threeawn
ARPUF Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey Fendler's threeawn
ARPUL Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. longiseta (Steud.) Vasey Fendler threeawn
ARPUN Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. nealleyi (Vasey) Allred blue threeawn
ARPUP5 Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. parishii (Hitchc.) Allred Parish's threeawn
ARPUP9 Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. perplexa Allred & Valdés-Reyna purple threeawn
ARPUP6 Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. purpurea purple threeawn
ARPUW Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. wrightii (Nash) Allred Wright's threeawn
ARRA2 Aristida ramosissima Engelm. ex A. Gray s-curve threeawn
ARRE4 Aristida refracta Griseb. islandthicket threeawn
ARRH Aristida rhizomophora Swallen Florida threeawn
ARSC3 Aristida schiedeana Trin. & Rupr. single threeawn
ARSCO Aristida schiedeana Trin. & Rupr. var. orcuttiana (Vasey) Allred & Valdés-Reyna Orcutt's threeawn
ARSI3 Aristida simpliciflora Chapm. southern threeawn
ARSP3 Aristida spiciformis Elliot bottlebrush threeawn
ARST5 Aristida stricta Michx. pineland threeawn
ARSU6 Aristida suringarii Henr. St. Eustatius threeawn
ARSW Aristida swartziana Steud. Swartz's threeawn
ARTU Aristida tuberculosa Nutt. seaside threeawn
ARTR4 Artemisia tripartita Rydb. threetip sagebrush
ARTRR2 Artemisia tripartita Rydb. ssp. rupicola Beetle Wyoming threetip sagebrush
ARTRT2 Artemisia tripartita Rydb. ssp. tripartita threetip sagebrush
BITR Bidens tripartita L. threelobe beggarticks
CATR12 Calyptranthes triflora Alain threeblossom lidflower
CATR10 Carex trisperma Dewey threeseeded sedge
CATRT3 Carex trisperma Dewey var. trisperma threeseeded sedge
CATR29 Cayratia trifolia (L.) Domin threeleaf cayratia
CITR7 Citharexylum tristachyum Turcz. threespike fiddlewood
COTR2 Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. threeleaf goldthread
COTR13 Corchorus trilocularis L. threelocule corchorus
CRTR2 Crataegus triflora Chapm. threeflower hawthorn
CRLI2 Croton lindheimerianus Scheele threeseed croton
CRLIL Croton lindheimerianus Scheele var. lindheimerianus threeseed croton
DETR5 Derris trifoliata Lour. threeleaf derris
DETR4 Desmodium triflorum (L.) DC. threeflower ticktrefoil
DUAR3 Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton threeway sedge
DUARA Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton var. arundinaceum three-way sedge
ELTR Elatine triandra Schkuhr threestamen waterwort
ELTR5 Eleocharis tricostata Torr. three-angle spikerush
ELTR2 Eleusine tristachya (Lam.) Lam. threespike goosegrass
EMEX Emex Campd. threecornerjack
EMAU Emex australis Steinh. southern threecornerjack
EMSP Emex spinosa (L.) Campd. spiny threecornerjack
ENTER3 Enterosora Baker threefork polypody
ENTR Enterosora trifurcata (L.) Bishop threefork polypody
ERSU2 Erigeron subtrinervis Rydb. ex Porter & Britton threenerve fleabane
ERSUC Erigeron subtrinervis Rydb. ex Porter & Britton var. conspicuus (Rydb.) Cronquist threenerve fleabane
ERSUS Erigeron subtrinervis Rydb. ex Porter & Britton var. subtrinervis threenerve fleabane
GATR2 Galium trifidum L. threepetal bedstraw
GATRC Galium trifidum L. ssp. columbianum (Rydb.) Hultén threepetal bedstraw
GATRH2 Galium trifidum L. ssp. halophilum (Fernald & Wiegand) Puff threepetal bedstraw
GATRS2 Galium trifidum L. ssp. subbiflorum (Wiegand) Piper threepetal bedstraw
GATRT5 Galium trifidum L. ssp. trifidum threepetal bedstraw
HELO4 Hemizonia lobbii Greene threeray tarweed
HITR4 Hibiscus trilobus Aubl. threelobe rosemallow
HITR6 Hieracium tridentatum Fr. threetooth hawkweed
HOTR Horkelia tridentata Torr. threetooth horkelia
HOTRF Horkelia tridentata Torr. ssp. flavescens (Rydb.) D.D. Keck threetooth horkelia
HOTRT Horkelia tridentata Torr. ssp. tridentata threetooth horkelia
INTR2 Indigofera trifoliata L. threeleaf indigo
JUDRS Juncus drummondii E. Mey. var. subtriflorus (E. Mey.) C.L. Hitchc. threeflower rush
JUTR4 Juncus triglumis L. three-hulled rush
LATR4 Labordia triflora Hillebr. three-flower labordia
LATR5 Lantana trifolia L. threeleaf shrubverbena
LETR2 Lewisia triphylla (S. Watson) B.L. Rob. threeleaf lewisia
LYTR2 Lythrum tribracteatum Salzm. ex Spreng. threebract loosestrife
MATR4 Maianthemum trifolium (L.) Sloboda threeleaf false lily of the valley
MACO6 Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke threelobe false mallow
MENI Melica nitens (Scribn.) Nutt. ex Piper threeflower melicgrass
METR4 Mentzelia tridentata (Davidson) H.J. Thomp. & Roberts threetooth blazingstar
MITR4 Mitella trifida Graham threeparted miterwort
MITRT Mitella trifida Graham var. trifida threeparted miterwort
MITRV Mitella trifida Graham var. violacea (Rydb.) Rosend. threeparted miterwort
OXTR Oxalis trilliifolia Hook. threeleaf woodsorrel
OXTR2 Oxytheca trilobata A. Gray threelobe oxytheca
PATR7 Packera tridenticulata (Rydb.) W.A. Weber & A. Löve threetooth ragwort
PEGR15 Perityle gracilis (M.E. Jones) Rydb. three-lobed rockdaisy
PHTR Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr. threeseed phlox
PITR2 Pityrogramma trifoliata (L.) R. Tryon threeleaf goldback fern
PSTR3 Psiguria trilobata (L.) Howard threelobe pygmymelon
RAEST Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schltdl. var. trisectus (Eastw.) L.D. Benson threesection buttercup
RATR2 Ranunculus trilobus Desf. threelobe buttercup
RUTR4 Rubus trifrons Blanch. threeleaflet dewberry
RUTR5 Rubus triphyllus Thunb. threeleaf blackberry
SATR11 Sagittaria trifolia L. threeleaf arrowhead
SASC8 Sagraea scalpta (Vent.) Naud. threenerve roughleaf
SATR10 Sapindus trifoliatus L. threeleaf soapberry
SATR5 Saxifraga tricuspidata Rottb. three toothed saxifrage
SCPU10 Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla common threesquare
SCPUB Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla var. badius (J. Presl & C. Presl) S.G. Sm. common threesquare
SCPUL4 Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla var. longispicatus (Britton) S.G. Sm. common threesquare
SCPUP5 Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla var. pungens common threesquare
SOVE6 Solidago velutina DC. threenerve goldenrod
STPU10 Stipagrostis pungens (Desf.) De Winter three-awn grass
STMOE Streptanthus morrisonii F.W. Hoffm. ssp. elatus F.W. Hoffm. Three Peaks jewelflower
TETR Tectaria trifoliata (L.) Cav. threeleaf halberd fern
THTR7 Thurovia triflora Rose threeflower snakeweed
TITR Tiarella trifoliata L. threeleaf foamflower
TITRL Tiarella trifoliata L. var. laciniata (Hook.) Wheelock threeleaf foamflower
TITRT Tiarella trifoliata L. var. trifoliata threeleaf foamflower
TRWA2 Tricardia watsonii Torr. ex S. Watson threehearts
TRST16 Triglochin striata Ruiz & Pav. three-rib arrowgrass
TRTR3 Triphora trianthophora (Sw.) Rydb. threebirds
TRIXI Trixis P. Br. threefold
TRCA8 Trixis californica Kellogg American threefold
TRIN6 Trixis inula Crantz tropical threefold
VITR2 Viola triloba Schwein. three-lobe violet
VITRT2 Viola triloba Schwein. var. triloba three-lobe violet
VITR4 Viola tripartita Elliot threepart violet


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