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Nostradamus Prophecies | The Third Antichrist Prophecy


Five centuries ago, Nostradamus wrote of three Antichrists. Two, Napoleon and Hitler, have already bathed the world in blood—but it is the third who will bring the Apocalypse.

Michel de Nostredame by his son Cesar

Michel de Nostredame (depending on the source, 14 or 21 December 1503 – 1 or 2 July 1566), usually Latinised as Nostradamus, was a French astrologer, physician and reputed seer, who is best known for his book Les Prophéties, is a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events. The book was first published in 1555. The rhymed quatrains (4-line poems) are grouped into sets of 100, called Centuries.

Nostradamus enthusiasts have credited him with predicting a copious number of events in world history, including the French Revolution, the atom bomb, the rise of Adolf Hitler and the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Detractors, however, see such predictions as examples of vaticinium ex eventu, retroactive clairvoyance and selective thinking, which find non-existent patterns in ambiguous statements. Because of this, it has been claimed that Nostradamus is

“100% accurate at predicting events after they happen”.


The Third Antichrist movie clip

Nostradamus Prophecies | The Third Antichrist clip
The Third Antichrist | Full movie


The first Antichrist

Napoleon Bonaparte

The First Antichrist of the book of Revelation leads the 7th world empire to oppress God’s people, and will lead an army of “locusts” that will create more destruction, capture more land, and kill more people than any army in history. The First Antichrist will spread the concepts of the liberal “Enlightenment” around the globe, and crown himself emperor of both the religious and secular realm. He’ll be granted power to hold the church and its leaders in captivity for 42 months and he will set ten kings to watch over his seven nation empire.


PAX NEY LORON will be more fire than blood,

   PAX NEY LORON plus feu qu’a sang fera,

   Bathed in praise, a great escape is assured;

   Laude nager, fuir grand au surrez;

   Those worried will refuse him entry,

   Les agasses entree refusera,

   But doubtful that for long they will hold him confined.

Pampon, durance les tiendra enferrez.

The second Antichrist

Adolf Hitler

In Revelation Chapter 13, the Bible tells us that after the First Antichrist is destroyed, their comes a Second Antichrist (Second Beast) who leads the eighth empire attempting to conquer the world. This modern antichrist appears having two horns like a lamb, and therefore presents himself as a modern messiah. He tells his promised people that he will create a perfect human society for them lasting for 1000 years. He will attack and conquer many nations under the sign of the cross (Hellas Cross), and spreads his ideas using a man-made idol (invention) that has the power of speech (radio?).


   The Prime Minister of London (is supported) by America,

   Le chef de Londres par regne l”Americh,

   As the Isles of the Scots will suffer from frost;

   L’isle d’Escosse tempiera par gelee;

   An errant Fuhrer will become such an evil antichrist,

Roy Reb auront un si grand antechrist,

   That he will draw everyone into the conflict.

Que les mettra trestous dans la meslee.

The third Antichrist


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Physics has a law that explains everything. And it’s brought to you by the number three

Law that explains everything by 3

Jamie Seidel: News Corp Australia Network

The rule of three has become something akin to a social law of gravity — as if the number is behind everything.

Three groups of experimentalists have independently observed a strange state of matter that forms from three particles of any type and at any scale, from practically infinitesimal to infinite.

Forget pairs. They’re old pat. And 42? We still don’t know the question.

Three rings to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them ... apologies  Lord Of The Rings purists.
Three rings to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them … apologies to Lord Of The Rings purists.

Comedians insist three is the best pattern to exploit perceptions and deliver punchlines; three features prominently in titles, such as The Three Little Pigs, Three Musketeers, Goldilocks and the Three Bears; even the Romans believed three was the ultimate number: “Omne trium perfectum” was their mantra — everything that comes in threes is perfect.

Now, it seems Mother Nature may also think in threes. Especially at the very edge of physics — quantum mechanics.

A Soviet nuclear physicist first proposed the idea back in the 1970s — and was met with derision.

For 45 years number-crunchers around the world have been attempting to topple Vitaly Efimov’s idea and prove his equations wrong.

Shih-Kuang Tung of the University of Chicago
Shih-Kuang Tung of the University of Chicago holding Borromean rings, which have often been used as a symbol of unity. If one ring is removed, all three fall apart.

They’ve failed; and his “outlandish” theory is now on the point of being proven.

Most importantly, Efimov felt that sets of three particles could arrange themselves in an infinite, layered pattern. What form these layers take helps determine the makeup of matter itself.

Jump forward four decades, and technological advances now allow his groups of three quantum particles to be studied and manipulated.

The quantum condition — now known as Efimov’s state — is visible only under supremely cold conditions. Matter, when chilled to a few billionths of a degree above Absolute Zero, does strange things …

If you want the technical details, read Quanta Magazine’s article which examines the recent research papers.

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The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Three

The Spiritual Meaning of Numbers
Tetragrammaton by Francisco Goya: Tetragrammaton by Francisco Goya: “The Name of God”, YHWH in triangle, detail from fresco Adoration of the Name of God, 1772

Three is the first number to which the meaning “all” was given. It is The Triad, being the number of the whole as it contains the beginning, a middle and an end. The power of three is universal and is the tripartide nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit.

In the first three numbers, all of the others are synthesized. From the union of oneness and duality (which is its reflection), that is, from triad, proceed all of the other numbers, and from this primordial triangle all figures derive.

There is also, for traditional civilizations, a direct relationship between numbers and letters of the alphabet, to the point where, with many alphabets, numbers were represented by letters, and had no special signs of their own. This is not the case with the early American cultures, which knew no alphabet, but we wish to call attention to this correspondence because not only the alphabetical code, but the numerical one, as well, describe all reality: that is, everything that is numerable or namable–in the sense of “ciphers,” harmonious measures, “proportions”–in sum, the totality of the cosmos, of the knowable.

This threeness or triad, has always been considered sacred–like oneness, duality, and all numbers–by virtue of its very properties and particular attributes. These properties and attributes are manifested in its threefold nature, which of itself is the inevitable expression of a principle, an archetypal fact, that solidifies in a series, as a representation of ideas and energies that materialize in magical, mysterious fashion while obeying precise, universal laws, which the numerical codes and their geometrical correspondences symbolize.

In numerology the number 3 is a whirlwind of expressiveness, joy, and boundless, childlike imagination. Threes possess vibrant energy, opening doors to self-expression and communication. Three’s magnetic personality draws people into its exciting presence.

Trinity Symbol Trinity Symbol

This symbol a triad or trinity. It is a symbol of the unity of body, mind and spirit. The symbol is of universal significance – it is found throughout history and all over the world. It was popularized early in this century by the Russian-born artist, philosopher and scientist Nicholas Roerich. ( It can be interpreted in many different senses: spirit/mind/body in a circle of synthesis; past/present/future enclosed in the ring of eternity; art/science/religion bound in a circle of culture.

Chintamani Chintamani

The oldest of Indian symbols, Chintamani, the sign of happiness, is composed of this symbol and it can be found in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. It appears in the Three Treasures of Tibet; on the breast of the Christ in Memling’s famous painting; on the Madonna of Strasbourg; on the shields of the Crusaders and coat of arms of the Templars. It can be seen on the blades of the famous Caucasian swords called “Gurda” and on the swords of Japanese nobility.

It appears as a symbol in several philosophical systems. It can be discovered on the images of Gessar Khan and Rigden Djapo; on the “Tamga” of Timurlane and on the coat of arms of the Popes. It can be seen in the works of ancient Spanish painters and of Titian, and on the ancient ikon of St. Nicholas in Bari and that of St. Sergius and the Holy Trinity. It appears on the coat of arms of the city of Samarkand, on Ethiopian and Coptic antiquities, on the rocks of Mongolia, on Tibetan rings, on Buddhist banners, on the breast ornaments of all the Himalayan countries, and on the pottery of the Neolithic age.


This symbol is a symbol of happiness. It can not only appear in these famous places, but also appear around us. Therefore, this symbol can be customized into pins. You can also add your unique design to the custom pins. Whether you keep them for yourself or give them to relatives and friends, they are beautiful blessings. You can also customize the name of the person you want to give them to.

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