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“At one point when we were on the road, I felt like I had a target on my back. I felt like there were a lot of things getting thrown at me that I had to deal with and I felt alone? I was the only one who could really understand myself.” – Adam Gontier
On One-X, the follow up to Three Days Grace’s 2003 self-titled debut, the band explores that sentiment with alarming honesty. A raw, confessional album, One-X finds frontman Adam Gontier delving into a sense of utter loneliness that ironically comes from being constantly surrounded by other people. One-X is simultaneously the story of Gontier’s personal destruction on the road, and a universal tale of feeling like an outsider.
“From front to back, the lyrics of One-X explore the different problems I had. I felt singled out. I wanted to be normal and I just wanted someone, anyone to help me. At a point, I finally came to realize that no matter how singled out I felt, there were so many others out there like me. I realized, ‘okay, I’m not alone’.” – Adam Gontier