Here are Featured Articles and Latest News. The Features Section has lenghty in depth articles and new ideas regarding threes, triads, etc . . . Latest News has articles like newspaper and radio interviews and other three related news. We are adding a media section to cross reference all the rich media like videos, music, etc . . . If you have any sections you wish to add, please contact us.
Michael Jackson's untimely death coupled with the deaths of Ed McMahon and Farrah Fawcett in the same week revived the belief of many that celebrity deaths, plane crashes and all manner of catastrophes come in threes. The persistence of this belief is difficult to explain since the case for it is so easily demolished.
So I get a call to do a live interview on a Japanese radio program, ZIP FM from Tokyo. Hello World! I taught mathematics and computer science in Chiyoda Cho, Yamagata Gun, Hiroshima, Japan at Lehman-Hiroshima College. I enjoyed my time in Japan. At the end of the interview I annouced the next song, which was of course, Three is the Magic Number by Blind Melon. Many thanks to ZIP FMm Tokyo, Japan!
Martin Radio is where sports and entertainment collide. The show is hosted by Veteran TV Sportscasters Martin Kilcoyne (FOX 2) Maurice Drummond (Fox 2) and Rich Gould (KPLR 11) and features the perfect blend of sports talk, entertainment and real life. Men wake up each morning to Martin and Mo or Rich’s dynamic sense of humor and unique takes on the world of sports. Plus, visits from the biggest local and national guests. The show also features “Celebrity Phone ins”, “He’s a Nothin” “Ask Tony”, “Martinsville” as well as “You Blew It”.
On July 8, 2009 I had a very fun interview with Maurice Drummond and Rich Gould for 590 The Fan KFNS (, a FOX affiliate. Look at the Rewind Section for the audio. They we’re hillarious. At the end they were talking about the Manchurian Candidate and being brainwashed by things in threes. I was great fun being interviewed by these guys. Three Cheers for Martin Radio!