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Wise Latina Woman

Soyna Sotomayor

Sotomayor Must Address ‘Wise Latina Woman’ Remark

July 13, 2009 by Michael Thompson

Sonia Sotomayor Should Dispose of ‘Wise Latina, Better Decision’ ASAP

Sonia Sotomayor’s “wise Latina woman” remarks in a 2001 speech constituted a poor choice of words. If she truly is a wise Latina woman, Sotomayor will acknowledge this publicly. She should do so as soon as the first question is broached Tuesday during her confirmation hearing to serve on Sotomayor Must Address ‘Wise Latina Woman’ Remark the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Three Beers For the Red White and Blue

Blue MoonBudLiteRed StripesThe president will drink Bud Light, White House Press Secretary Gibbs told reporters today.

Gates has said he likes Red Stripe,

while Sgt. James Crowley mentioned to the president that he prefers Blue Moon.


President Barack Obama proposed a “Beer Summit” to talk over issues involving the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr. by Sgt. James Crowley.

Henry Louis Gates Jr. is a renowned, gray-haired Harvard professor. He’s no racial arsonist, and he’s certainly no criminal.

Cambridge Sgt. James Crowley is a decorated 11-year police veteran. He went to racially diverse schools. He taught a course for rookie cops on how to avoid racial profiling.

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