Mathematics uses many concepts in threes. The first structure mathematically is a triangle. There are acute, right, and obtuse angles. Trigonometry is the study of the relationship of the sides of a triangle. Have your heard of Pascal's Triangle?
A straight line is said to have been cut in extreme and mean ratio when, as the whole line is to the greater segment, so is the greater to the less. [Euclid]
The extreme and mean ratio is also known as the golden ratio, or Phi. If the smaller part = 1, and larger part = G, the golden ratio requires that G is equal approximately 1.6180
Does the Great Pyramid contain the Golden Ratio?
Assuming that the height of the GP = 146.515 m, and base = 230.363 m, and using simple math we find that half of the base is 115.182 m and the “slant height” is 186.369 m
Dividing the “slant height” (186.369m) by “half base” (115.182m) gives = 1.6180, which is practically equal to the golden ration!
The “Flower of Life” can be found in all major religions of the world. It contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the “Great Void”. Everything is made from the Creator’s thought. After the creation of the Seed of Life the same vortex’s motion was continued, creating the next structure known as the Egg of Life.
This structure forms the basis for music, as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division (The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight). Thus this same structure as it is further developed, creates the human body and all of the energy systems including the ones used to create the Merkaba. If we continue creating more and more spheres we will end up with the structure called the Flower of Life.
The complete flower has the other two layers added, making it three dimensional. If you relax (sit three feet away from the screen) and let the flower slowly draw your eyes out of focus, the flower will open.
Flower of Life – Davinci
Try and not focus on any one point, blankly stare, take the flower in as a whole. You may get a headache and itchy eyes, this will quickly disappear. We do not see with our eyes, we see through our eyes. Let your mind focus, don’t fight it.
Leonardo da Vinci has studied the Flower of Life’s form and its mathematical properties. He has drawn the Flower of Life itself, as well as components therein, such as the Seed of Life. He has drawn geometric figures representing shapes such as the platonic solids, a sphere, a torus, etc., and has also used the golden ratio of phi in his artwork; all of which may be derived from the Flower of Life design.
metatron cube
The complete flower also contains the three dimensional metatron cube, which holds all the Platonic solids. Not just the building blocks of life, but the building blocks of creation itself.
What percentage of all integers contains at least one instance of the digit three? For example, 13, 31, 33 and 103 all contain the digit "three" at least once. ANSWER! Answer: How Many Threes? 100% of all integers contain at least one three. What?!? How can this be? The solution is so surprising, it is difficult, if not impossible to believe that 100% of integers contain the digit three at least once.