In any type of writing, there are three possible points of view: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, or me, you, and other. There are three periods of the English language’s history: Old, Middle, and Modern. And dramas traditionally have three parts: prot asis, epitasis, and catastrophe.
3s (to be sung by Niels Bohr)
I think that I shall never c
A # lovelier than 3;
3 < 6 or 4,
And than 1 it’s slightly more.
All things in nature come in 3s,
Like ∴s, trios, Q.E.D.’s;
And $s gain more dignity
When thus augmented: 3 × 3.
A 3 whose slender curves are pressed
By banks, for compound interest;
Oh would that, paying loans or rent,
My rates were only 3%!
3² expands with rapture free,
And reaches toward ∞,
3 complements each x and y
And intimately lives with π.
A circle’s # of °s
Are best ÷d up by 3s,
But wrapped in dim obscurity
Is √-3.
Atoms are split by men like me,
But only God is 1 in 3.
–John Atherton
Source: http://recycledknowledge.blogspot.com/2005/06/threes.html