Threes Anna is a writer-director
She lives in the Netherlands en works on all kinds of places in the world, depending on what’s necessary for the ongoing project.
In any type of writing, there are three possible points of view: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, or me, you, and other. There are three periods of the English language’s history: Old, Middle, and Modern. And dramas traditionally have three parts: prot asis, epitasis, and catastrophe.
Threes Anna is a writer-director
She lives in the Netherlands en works on all kinds of places in the world, depending on what’s necessary for the ongoing project.
by Carol Hurst
When I think of oral language and math, I think of folk tales. It's the storyteller in me that will not be repressed. Folk tales abound with numbers, especially threes. There's a lot of supposition as to why. Some say it's because the number three has been a mystical number since antiquity. Others say it's because of the Trinity. I say it's because those old storytellers knew their stuff. They knew that listeners would sit still for three tries or three characters, but if you get to four, it's overkill and you're pushing it.
Get the kids finding threes in folktales; sometimes it's easy:
" Three Bears," " Three Pigs," " Three Billy Goats Gruff." Other threes are more subltly hidden.
read more at CarolHurst.com . . .
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Continue reading Three Men in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog)