Something, nothing, and everything comes in threes. Enjoy this 9 minute expose on why we conceptualize, organize, and tri-compartmentalize in threes.
”Three is the magic number”
The Book of Threes
Idioms are expressions with greater meaning. Phrases like "nick of time" or "in other words" or "for heaven's sake". Definition: a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word understood on its own:
Something, nothing, and everything comes in threes. Enjoy this 9 minute expose on why we conceptualize, organize, and tri-compartmentalize in threes.
”Three is the magic number”
The Book of Threes
In the realm of idioms, some expressions evoke vivid images that perfectly capture the essence of everyday struggles. One such idiom is “dish pan hands,” which refers to hands that have become rough and dry due to prolonged exposure to water, soap, and cleaning detergents. In this blog post, we will explore the origin and usage of this idiom, along with some interesting tidbits centered around the number three. So, roll up those sleeves and let’s dive into the history of dish pan hands!
The term “dish pan hands” emerged during World War II when women had to spend countless hours doing household chores, including washing dishes by hand. This labor-intensive task, performed without the aid of protective gloves or advanced dishwashing products, often left their hands red, chapped, and rough to touch. The idiom quickly gained popularity and has since become synonymous with the toll that manual dishwashing can take on one’s hands.
“Dish pan hands” perfectly captures the physical toll that manual dishwashing can take on hands. The idiom’s origin during World War II reflects the arduous tasks women undertook during that time. While advancements in dishwashing technology have made our lives easier, the idiom still holds relevance today.
Remember, dish pan hands can be prevented by taking proactive steps like moisturizing, wearing protective gloves, and giving your hands the love and care they deserve. So, next time you’re at the sink, spare a thought for your hardworking hands and give them the pampering they need.
And that concludes our exploration into the history and significance of dish pan hands. Until next time, keep those hands moisturized and dish pan hands at bay!
The Book of Threes
[Partial Photo source: Palmolive detergent ad 1974]
adverb archaic
in a position facing a specified or implied subject: he was there vis-à-vis with Miss Arundel.
noun (plural same)
1 a person or group occupying a corresponding position to that of another person or group in a different area or domain; a counterpart: his admiration for the US armed services extends to their vis- à-vis, the Russian military.
2 a face-to-face meeting: the dreaded vis-à- vis with his boss.
The expression vis-à-vis literally means
‘face to face.’ Avoid using it to mean ‘about, concerning, as in he wanted to talk to me vis-à-vis next weekend. In the sense ‘in contrast, comparison, or relation to,’ however, vis-à-vis is generally acceptable: let us consider government regulations vis-à- vis employment rates.
mid 18th century: French, literally ‘face to face’, from Old French vis ‘face’.
As a preposition, vis-à-vis is used to compare things. So, if you want to compare the food you’ve eaten today with the calories you burned working out, you might talk about your caloric intake vis-à-vis caloric expenditure. You can also use it to say that you’re facing something or are opposite something.